Sunday 2 January 2022

Hot Weather Plan

What do to do on cold wet winter afternoons: Think and plan the next season.

When planting in hot weather, ponder these five things:

Your watering plan


Mulch (holding dampness)

Wind and,

The vegetables you need to develop

Watering Schedule

In warm environments it is essential to water your plot to some extent two times every day. It is best to do earlier today and evening. Watering in the day is fine, yet it is less effective as such a great deal it dissipates before it gets to your plants. Be careful no to overwater which your crop to rot.


 I like to apply up to an inch of straw, or some such over the whole plot


Many plants do not like too much direct sunshine, make shore you have some shade netting handy for those hot days to come


Also have some netting to protect fro the warm/hot south/west winds.

Do this now and do not wait till it is upon you!

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