Wednesday 21 September 2022

How to store your carrots


I've generally felt carrots are, similar to potatoes, an underestimated vegetable. Flavourful and solid, carrots are an especially decent wellspring of beta carotene, fiber, nutrient K1, potassium, and cell reinforcements as well as being low in calories.

In September it is a good idea to lift your lift your  main crop carrots, use a fork to lift your crop. Remove the tops. Lay aside any parted or harmed carrots.

To store, use a cardboard box and put  about   ½ inch (1 cm) layer of  damp sand at the bottom. 

 Doing this will stop the crop going wrinkling, if they do you can put the carrots in water for a couple of hours and they will be fine.

Lay the carrots top to tail in a line or in a circle with a tiny bit of room between and afterward cover with sand to ½ inch (1 cm) over the primary layer. Rehash as required. Keep in cool  spot and they should keep going for quite a long time.

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