Saturday 28 April 2018

How to Dry Your Herbs.

How to Dry Your Herbs.

One of the best things about growing herbs is that you can grow and dry your herbs for later use. This is quite an easy thing to do, but like every thing else; it must be done right to have a product that can be used.
You should cut your leaf herbs, wash and tie in loose bunches and allow them to drip dry. Once all the moisture has been dried off put the herbs in a large brown paper bag. Make sure that you put a label on it and that the herbs are not touching the sides of the brown paper bag..Tie the mouth of the bag about the stems so that the herbs are hanging free within the bag.
Next, hang the bag with the herbs in it where it will have good air circulation. Drying your herbs this way ensures that none of the oils get absorbed by contact with the paper, as they would if you dried them in a cardboard box.

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