Monday 3 April 2017

How to grow potatoes in a bag:

To my mind, to day is a very sad day. Wednesday 29th of March; The day the UK starts to leave the EU.
How we can say we will be better off outside the biggest market in the world, is beyond me.
We must just wait and see.

I do not know if you have every tried to grow potatoes in bags or bins. It is a fun way to grow them.

I do it every year, the reason is that my plot is on the banks of the Thames and we some times get floods. So by growing potatoes in big pots I can put them on my bench which is four feet above the ground and well away from any flood water.

  1. I find that early varieties work best. It is best to chit your potatoes, you do this by standing the tubers upright in a tray somewhere war and light. After a couple of weeks you should have small shoots on them.
  2. I then third fill a potato planter bag or bin with compost. Put in 4-5 chitted potatoes and cover them with compost to a depth of three ore four inches. The place the pot in a warm bright spot.
  3. When the plants start to grow, cover the plants until the bag is full.
  4. This is the important bit; keep watering the bag/pot and harvest when the flowers have died back.

What I am doing in my garden:

Early Spring, to my mind is always so full of promise. Get busy planting, growing and caring for your crop.
It does not matter what other people are growing, only grow what you are going to eat.

I have Tomatoes, rhubarb, potatoes,beans,cabbage,salads,mint,basil,parsley, on the go at the moment. I am cutting my grass and weeding my beds

What I am thinking about while digging 

And note that some who despised now will be greatly honored then; and some who are greatly honored now will be despised then Luke 30.13
Does this mean that the people on the edge of society might well be the center and the people in houses will be on the circumference?

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