It is import, for your own health, not to have rats running around.
The reason is that rats can give you a very nasty bacterial infection which is found world wide, it is called Leptospirosis.
One of the forms of disease is : Weals disease which is found in water contaminated with rat urine.
Flooding can spread this ( my plot has been under water for five weeks now )
The other form of Leptospirosis is Hardjo which is like Weals, but is generally caught from cattle and as many of us use cattle manure on the plot, it can be dangerous for us.
These disease can be caught from cuts on your hand, touching your face or whatever.
What you can do about is:
Control the rat population.
Cuts and abrasions should be covered with waterproof dressing.
Wash you hands often when on the plot.
Wear gloves when working on the plot, whatever the weather.
Do not touch anything to do with rats.
A suitable disinfectant should be used to wipe down any tables or the like you might have on you plot.