Saturday 10 October 2020

Protecting Your lettuce from the weather..

Where you live in the world will depend on what sort of weather you will have.






Each of the above will bring their own joys, which you can do something about for the most part.

I use horticultural fleeces and netting over all of my crops and find that for the most part that will allow me to produce lettuce all the year round.

I also have a small polly tunnel and cold frame for winter lettuce. These are very useful because at some point we always get snow or frost here in the UK.

Last winter, my plot was plot was flooded for 73 days. I still grow lettuce. I had sowed some seeds in containers (really big ones) and kept these on a plant bench 4 feet off the ground, only trouble was getting to them for the flood was 25 inches deep.

I have noticed that pest and diseases are far worse on crops and gardens that are not looked after.

One of the secrets of plant protection is to have healthy soil that is well prepared and plants with vigour.

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