Wednesday 3 June 2020

Comfrey For Your Compost Heap:

Comfrey is the forgotten herb that in the past was known as the compost plant.
A compost heap is vital; in fact, the very lifeblood of your soil and comfrey should be one of the main element in your heap.

This very important plant contains more potash than farmyard manure or compost and holds all records for being the richest source of vegetable protein known except for the Soya bean.
Its root system will penetrate to a great depth and thus will pull up potash and other trace elements from the subsoil, which are out of reach of many crops.

So a combination of comfrey cuttings plus vegetable waste and all other organic matter suitable for composting makes for a quick breakdown into compost with a first class end-product.
The best comfrey for your compost is Bocking No.14. This variety is ready to harvest quite early in the spring. It is a variety that is very rich in potash, which makes it a very good chicken feed.

The best results are obtained in your compost heap if the stems and leaves of the comfrey are allowed to wilt for a day before you put it on your compost heap.
The stems should be mixed generously with other compost materials, especially lawn cuttings, but onto account should a heap be built entirely of comfrey.

One comfrey plant will give you about 7 lbs of leaves and stalks each month. Therefore, a patch of a dozen plants should give you some 2 cwts of organic matter each season.

Well worth growing comfrey and using it in your compost heap because after a few years of using it you will have vegetable to die for.

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