Sunday, 30 June 2019

Peaches and Nectarines:

Peaches and Nectarines: 

Twenty-fourth week: June

Peaches and Nectarines growing on outside walls will at this time of the year require constant attention. There will be a certain amount of disbudding practised, and it is very important to keep the young growths neatly tied in. Evening spraying with clear water after hot days will keep red spider away.

Make successional of Lettuce and sowing Endive to give you autumn salads.

Tomatoes growing in the open or inside must be restricted to one stem by the constant removal of side shoots.

Sunday, 23 June 2019

Runner Beans:

Runner Beans:
Those who followed the advice to make a sowing of Runner Beans under cover may now safely place the resultant seedlings in permanent position now. Choose a deeply dug and well manured site, and protect the plants by staking them immediately. Also make another sowing of Runner Beans to provide later pods.
Hoe your rows  regularly to keep down weeds.  

Pinch out side-shoots on tomatoes. When ever they appear.

Monday, 17 June 2019

New Zealand Spinach

New Zealand Spinach
Twenty third week: June.
New Zealand Spinach is exceptionally useful on light soils where the normal summer type is so prone to run to seed. If you have raised , they may now be planted out at two feet apart each way. The reason for this is that the plant has a trailing habit. Seeds may also be sown in the open now.
Gooseberry bushes are often affected with caterpillars at this time of year, and if the pest are allowed to remain undisturbed, defoliation of the attacked bushes will speedily result. Forceful spraying wit clear water in the early morning will dislodge the pest, and the ground beneath the bushes may then be dusted with lime and old soot.

If it is necessary to thin Onions, do the work very carefully, with a view to avoiding undue disturbance of the seedlings. There is no doubt that carless thinning brings about an attack of Onion-fly. After thinning it is a good idea to run the hoe through the rows.

Wednesday, 12 June 2019

Indoor Strawberries

Indoor Strawberries
Twenty-Second Week : May June.
Now is the time to bring your strawberry plants that have fruited in pot in your glasshouse, outside.
Melon plants in bloom will require some assistance in the important matter of pollination. You can do this by selecting male flowers, stripping them of petals, and then thrusting the exposed stigmas into the centres of the female flowers. Do this at noon on a sunny day.

If you have a pond, you will find that as the weather gets warmer, algae will grow on the surface. Keep this clear by sieving out. Also remove decaying leaves from water lilies. 

Monday, 10 June 2019

Asparagus Beds

Asparagus Beds
Twenty-Second Week : May June

The Asparagus bed should be free from weeds at all times, and a light dressing of feed would increase harvest. 
Go and hoe your beds because this promotes growth as well as keeping the weeds away.

If you have Tomatoes for growing out doors, now is the time to bring them out of the glasshouse to harden them off.

Friday, 7 June 2019

Vines under glass:

Vines under glass:

Vines growing under glass will require constant attention at this time of year. Tie the shoots down to the supporting wire. When the bunch of Grapes appear, pinch out the point of the shoot carrying it at about two leaves beyond the bunch 

Sow beets, carrots, lettuce, and radishes 
Plant herbs like as thyme, sage, parsley, chives and basil 

Transplants plants can become less stressed if you put them out on a cloudy, calm day. Unfortunately,  many gardeners may need to transplant  only when they have the time, regardless of the weather. Strong sun and wind can be hard on new transplants, so to over come this, set out plants in the late afternoon when the wind comes down and the plants have overnight to acclimate. Giving shade and wind protection with berry baskets, small crates, or screens will help. Mulching helps since it lowers the rate at which water evaporates from the soil and controls the soil temperature.